Why Scan?

Free your Space

Space has become an expensive asset. Save time and money on expensive office relocations and free your space and make the paperless office dream a reality.

Disaster Recovery Planning

Would your business cope in the event of a fire or flood? Can you afford to loose those valuable documents if they are filed incorrectly after use? Document scanning allows you to keep a set of your records on cd or dvd in another location or office to reduce the risk of loosing your valuable information to natural disasters.

Deteriation of Quality

Whether the information is currently on paper or microfilm there is a problem of deteriation of the original page. Paper can fade over time and be torn through excessive use. Microfilm can fade and be easily scratched rendering the information useless. A scanned image will not fade or deteriate like paper and film.

Efficient Retrieval

Enable access to your important information from your desk. It can be shared through offices and other branches saving time and money on physical page retrievals, copying and faxing.

Legal Admissibility

General opinion is that scanned images are likely to be admissible in court, with the same weight as of evidence as photocopies and microfilm documents which are considered as secondary evidence. There is a potential reduction in the weight of evidence if the authenticity of the copy is questioned (e.g. if a signature is being disputed).

Document and Records Retention

Records need to be retained not only for the purposes of business use, but also to meet legal and regulatory obligations. For example, In the UK, The Companies Act 1985 (Section 221) requires companies to keep accounting records sufficient to give a "true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs and to explain its transactions." It also requires adequate precautions be taken against falsification of records and to discover any falsification that occurs. Both the Inland Revenue and HM Customs & Excise provide guidance on record-keeping for income, capital gains, corporation and value added tax. In general, they stress the need for businesses to record all transactions and keep all documents relating to them, such as receipts, invoices and bank statements; there are statutory bookkeeping requirements for businesses to keep financial records, and to keep them for particular lengths of time. Business records for the Inland Revenue tax returns must be kept for at least five years from the latest date for sending a tax return. VAT-registered businesses need to keep business records for HM Customs & Excise for six years

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