Every employee’s records at your fingertips
Get ready to deliver a whole new level of expertise, transparency and value to your business. Digitise HR files to centralise, organise and secure their employee records. Compliance made simple, with a full auditable and secure system to convert your paper HR Employee files to digital images.
Digitising your paper HR records and files is quick, simple and brings a whole host of benefits including:
- HR file scanning eliminates the need for document storage in files, on shelves or by the box in storage
- Secures confidential data meaning only those that need to access sensitive information do so
- Allows instant access via the web on a PC, Tablet, Laptop or Smartphone anywhere in the world

- Records and information become instantly searchable
- Records are fully backed up and secure
- Complies with statutory retention periods
- Records are fully admissible in a court of law
- Easily integrates with almost any HR and payroll system
- Minimum or no input required from IT department